How much do aluminium windows cost??

What is the cost of aluminium windows??

Our aluminium windows are a very popular choice for homeowners due to their durability, strength and low maintenance requirements. However, one of the most common questions people have when considering aluminium windows is "how much do they cost?" This is a difficult question to answer definitively, as the cost of aluminium windows can vary based on a number of factors. In this blog post, we'll break down some of the key considerations that can impact the cost of aluminium windows.

Size and Style

One of the biggest factors that can impact the cost of aluminium windows is the size and style of the windows themselves. Larger windows or more complex window designs may require additional materials and labour, making them more expensive to produce. Additionally, certain window styles (such as sliding or bi-fold windows which we also manufacture) may be more expensive due to their unique mechanisms and hardware.

Quality and Features

Another important consideration when it comes to the cost of aluminium windows is the quality of the materials and any additional features or upgrades that are included. Higher-quality aluminium frames may cost more upfront, but they can provide greater energy efficiency and durability in the long run. Similarly, features like double-glazed or tinted glass can add to the overall cost of the windows but may provide significant benefits in terms of insulation, soundproofing or UV protection.

Installation and Labour

Finally, it's important to remember that the cost of aluminium windows isn't just about the windows themselves - installation and labour costs will also factor into the final price. For example, if you are replacing existing windows, you may need to pay for the removal and disposal of the old windows. Alternatively, if you are installing windows in a brand new home or construction project, the installation process may be more complex and require additional labour.

So, how much do aluminium windows cost? Ultimately, the answer depends on a variety of factors. As a rough guide, however, you can expect to pay anywhere from $400-$1,200 per square metre for standard aluminium windows. This price range can increase significantly for more complex window designs, higher-quality materials or additional features/upgrades. The best way to get an accurate idea of how much your aluminium windows will cost is to speak to a professional installer like Smart Vision Systems. We are able to provide you with quote based on your specific needs and preferences, advise you in what is the best option for you as well as answer all the questions. Our trusted sales team as well as customer service support will guide you trough the whole process from the beginning to an end.

If you would like additional information on our aluminium systems or our uPVC options please do not hesitate to get in touch with us!!!


Aluminium windows design


Aluminium windows vs. uPVC cost